Hey there, future scholars of Namibia! Are you dreaming of pursuing higher education but need a little financial boost? Well, you’re in the right place because today I’m going to guide you through the process of applying for an NSFAF (Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund) loan for the 2024 academic year. Think of this as a friendly chat with a buddy who’s got your back.


Step 1: Getting Started

To kick things off, you’ll want to visit the NSFAF website. Open your web browser and type in the following address: [NSFAF Application Portal](https://students.nsfaf.na/pages/home.aspx). This portal is your gateway to financial assistance for your studies.

Step 2: Know the Requirements

Before you start the application process, it’s crucial to understand the requirements. NSFAF aims to support students in various fields, but there are some key conditions you must meet:

– For undergraduate and vocational studies, you’ll need at least 25 points in Grade 11/12 with a minimum of an E symbol in English.
– If you’re aiming to study medicine or engineering abroad, you’ll need a stellar 35 points (Grade 11/12) with an E in English.
– Remember, mature age applications are only accepted for local public institutions.
– You must upload all the necessary documents during the application period because no additional documents will be accepted after the deadline.

Step 3: Application Criteria

NSFAF funding isn’t unlimited, so there are some criteria to keep in mind:

– Priority fields of study are available, and you can find them [here](https://www.nsfaf.na/priority-fields-of-studies/).
– Your total combined debt to NSFAF (previous debt plus the loan to be awarded) must not exceed N$350,000.
– If you’ve benefited from NSFAF before, make sure to clear your debts before applying again.
– Your employment status, including self-employment, will be considered.
– Financial assistance is granted based on fund availability.
– Funding parental income threshold is N$500,000 for students aged 28 or younger and unemployed.
– For employed students or those above the age of 28 and unemployed, the threshold is N$300,000.

Step 4: Gather Required Documents

NSFAF requires specific documents based on your funding category. Let’s break it down:

Undergraduate and Vocational Studies:


– A copy of your full birth certificate (Certified by the Commissioner of Oath)
– A copy of your Namibian ID (Certified by the Commissioner of Oath)
– Copies of school leaving certificates (Grade 11/12 or equivalent, Certified by the Commissioner of Oath)
– Copies of your mother’s and father’s IDs or death certificates (Certified by the Commissioner of Oath or a Declaration made with the Namibian Police)
– Parents/guardian certified payslip or a Declaration made with the Commissioner of Oath (for unemployment cases)
– Certified copy of your payslip or with the company stamp (if employed)
– Spouse’s ID and payslip (if married)
– Grade 10 or grade 12 certificate (Certified by the Commissioner of Oath for mature age applicants)
– Proof of admission and test results on mature age from a Public Institution (Applicable only to those at least 23 years old)
– Copy of work experience (3 years for grade 11/12 certificate holders, 5 years for grade 10 certificate holders)
– Copy of evaluation from Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA), certified by the Commissioner of Oath, for all foreign qualifications (including grade 11/12 certificates)
– Copy of a diploma on NQF level 6 for applicants with 22 points in 5 subjects intending to do a bachelor’s degree (local institutions only, Certified by the Commissioner of Oath)

Postgraduate Studies:

– All the same documents as undergraduate and vocational studies
– A copy of your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (Certified by the Commissioner of Oath)
– Academic records if certificates are not yet issued by the institution
– Evaluation from Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA), certified by the Namibian Police, for all foreign qualifications

Step 5: Understand the Requirements

Different fields of study have specific requirements:

Undergraduate Degree Programs at Local Institutions: 25 points in Grade 11/12, with an E in English, or a Diploma at NQF Level 6 with 22 points in five subjects in Grade 11/12.
Undergraduate Studies at International Institutions: 35 points (including an E in English) for medicine and engineering, 30 points for other fields.
Undergraduate Diploma Programs at Local Institutions: 22 points in Grade 11/12, with a minimum of an F in English.
Undergraduate through Mature Age (Public Institutions Only): Be 23 years or older, have a Grade 10 certificate with 5 years of work experience, or a Grade 11/12 certificate with 3 years of work experience.

Step 6: Requirements for VET Financial Assistance

For vocational education and training (VET), the criteria differ for government-owned and privately-owned VTCs, as well as international VET trainees. Make sure to check the specific requirements that apply to your situation.

Step 7: Postgraduate Financial Assistance

If you’re pursuing postgraduate studies, here’s what you need to know:

– You must already have prior undergraduate qualifications.
– Admission to an approved local or international institution of higher education is required.
– Priority fields of study get preference.

So, there you have it – a comprehensive guide on how to apply for an NSFAF loan in Namibia for 2024. Remember, education is an investment in your future, and NSFAF is here to help you achieve your dreams. Good luck with your application, and may your academic journey be filled with success! If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to NSFAF. They’re here to support you on your educational path. Happy learning! 📚✨