If you’re a high school student in Namibia with little to no work experience, crafting a CV (Curriculum Vitae) may seem like a daunting task. However, even without a long list of job experiences, you can create an impressive CV that highlights your skills, attributes, knowledge, and volunteer experiences. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps of writing a high school student CV with no work experience. I’ll also provide you with valuable tips and a template to help you get started.


1. Include Your Name and Contact Information

Begin your CV by placing your full name at the top, using a bold or larger font to make it stand out. Below your name, include your email address and phone number. Ensure that your email address is professional; if not, consider creating a new one for job applications. This section helps employers identify you and reach out for interviews. Here’s an example of how this section should look:

Tiana Mei
[email protected]
Windhoek, Namibia

2. Write a CV Objective

The CV objective is the first thing employers will read, so make it count. It’s a brief description of your skills, attributes, or experiences and explains why you’re applying for the position. Your objective should showcase your qualities and values, demonstrating why you’re a suitable candidate. Keep it concise, with just two to three sentences. Here’s an example of a CV objective:

Recent high school graduate seeking a marketing assistant position to expand my knowledge of marketing. Committed to meeting clients’ needs and enhancing their brand image.

3. Include Your Education

Describe your education, including your high school’s name and expected graduation date. Here’s an example:

St. Joseph’s High School, Windhoek, Namibia
Expected Graduation: December 2023

4. Highlight Your Skills

Since you lack work experience, consider using a functional CV format that emphasizes your skills rather than your job history. Begin with a bullet-point list of five to ten skills that demonstrate your abilities. Ensure these skills are relevant to the job you’re applying for by matching them with the job description. Here are some examples of skills you can include:

– Communication skills
– Problem-solving abilities
– Strong mathematics knowledge
– Creativity
– Punctuality
– Decision-making skills

5. Describe Any Volunteer or Professional Experience

If you have any experience, such as volunteer work or relevant extracurricular activities, list them here. Create an entry for each position, detailing your job title, the organization’s name, the dates you were involved, and your three to five responsibilities. Try to align these responsibilities with the skills required for the job you’re applying for. Here’s an example:

Green Earth Conservation, February 2021–Present

– Participated in local clean-up events
– Assisted in tree-planting initiatives
– Organized awareness campaigns on environmental issues

6. Mention Any Awards or Recognition

Wrap up your CV by including any awards or recognition you’ve received at school. For example, if you received an award for excellence in a particular subject or for outstanding sports achievements, include it here. If you don’t have any awards, you can omit this section. Here’s an example:



– Academic Excellence Award in Mathematics, 2022
– Outstanding Contribution to the Debate Club, 2021

Tips for Writing Your CV

To enhance your CV and improve your chances of securing an interview, consider these tips:

1. Customize Your CV for Each Application: Tailor your CV to match the specific job you’re applying for by including relevant skills and keywords from the job description.

2. Research the Employer: Familiarize yourself with the company’s values and goals to align your CV with their expectations.

3. Incorporate Numbers: Whenever possible, include quantifiable achievements or measurements to make your CV more impactful.

4. Keep It Concise: Limit your CV to one page to ensure it’s concise and relevant to the position.

5. Proofread: Before submitting your CV, proofread it to catch any grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes. Consider having a friend or family member review it as well.

High School Student CV Template

Use this template as a starting point for your CV:

[Your Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]
[City, Namibia]


[Include one or two sentences describing your skills and experience.]


[High School Name]
[Expected Graduation Date]

Relevant Skills


Professional Experience

[Job Title]
[Organization Name, Location, Employment Dates]

– [Responsibility]
– [Responsibility]
– [Responsibility]

[Job Title]
[Organization Name, Location, Employment Dates]

– [Responsibility]
– [Responsibility]
– [Responsibility]

Awards or Recognition


High School Student CV Example

Here’s an example of a high school student’s CV with little to no work experience:

Tiana Mei
[email protected]
Windhoek, Namibia


Recent high school graduate seeking a marketing assistant position to expand my knowledge of marketing. Committed to meeting clients’ needs and enhancing their brand image.


St. Joseph’s High School, Windhoek, Namibia
Expected Graduation: December 2023

Relevant Skills

– Communication skills
– Problem-solving abilities
– Strong mathematics knowledge
– Creativity
– Punctuality
– Decision-making skills

Professional Experience

Green Earth Conservation, February 2021–Present

– Participated in local clean-up events
– Assisted in tree-planting initiatives
– Organized awareness campaigns on environmental issues


– Academic Excellence Award in Mathematics, 2022
– Outstanding Contribution to the Debate Club, 2021

Creating a CV as a high school student with no work experience is all about showcasing your potential and transferable skills. With a well-structured CV, tailored to each job application, you can make a strong impression on prospective employers and increase your chances of landing interviews. Good luck in your job search!